How do you lose 10 kg in one week

How do you lose 10 kg in one week 

Many models and actresses have made ​​an occasional diet to lose 10 kilos in a week throughout their lives. 
Some have even gone to the extent of risking their health just to lose those extra kilos in the shortest time possible. 
The truth is that there is an extreme diet to lose 10 kilos in a week that has become part of our culture even if questionable. 
How do you lose 10 kg in one week 

1 Elimination Diet 
Diet to lose 10 kilos in a week The most fervent follower of this diet to lose 10 kilos in a week is Gwyneth Paltrow. 
And is to exclude from their menus to coffee, dairy products, eggs, sugar, seafood, wheat, potatoes, corn and artificial ingredients. 
Opt for other nutritious foods like fish sticks gluten free or vegetarian meatballs. 
Not only she but also follow their children, which has been the focus of criticism many times. 
2  Atkins Diet 
Dr. Robert Atkins created a diet to lose 10 kilos in a week that limits consumption of carbohydrates and sugar. 
As the body needs energy to survive forces him to burn fat and protein to lose weight. By discouraging the consumption of cereals and some legumes, encourages them to eat more meat, eggs, seafood and cheeses. 
The concern of this diet experts is due to increased consumption of saturated fats and deficiency of other important nutrients and fiber. 
3 The Master Cleanse Diet 
This diet is perhaps better known as the lemonade diet, and consists of drinking lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup elixir for 7-10 days. 
While not eating other foods, especially solids advised. This extreme diet also suggests taking a laxative herbal tea. 
Some stars like Beyoncé followed, but it is not at all advisable as it lacks essential nutrients such as proteins. 
4 Raw Diet 
Many nutritionists say that the healthiest foods are eaten raw. For this reason this diet just focuses on the consumption of raw and unprocessed. 
Because of the danger of eating raw meat, people who follow this diet are inclined to eat fruits and vegetables, especially algae, sprouts, whole grains, beans and nuts. 
Some people also include raw eggs or cheese made from raw or unpasteurized milk. Although this diet is rich in nutrients, the risk of food poisoning bacteria, parasites and fungi is much higher than other diets. 
5. fruitarian diet 
This diet not only allows the intake of fruits but you can also include vegetables, nuts and seeds, but no animal products or grains. 
Most people who follow this diet for ethical or political reasons to be against the death of living things. 
Diet to lose 10 kilos in a week While some of them are convinced that it is the original diet of mankind. 
But the truth is that this diet to lose 10 kilos in a week lacks essential vitamins and nutrients such as calcium, iron and zinc, along with vitamin D and B12. 
The most recommended is to follow a diet to lose 10 kilos in a week that includes all the nutrients and exercise routine to burn more fat. So I suggest you read the book of John Barban SYSTEM venus. 

A truly comprehensive plan that helps you lose weight eating what you love. Because you'll modify your metabolism to burn fat even when you are resting. Achieve your ideal weight with diets to lose 10 kilos in a week and the simplest exercise routine.
How do you lose 10 kg in one week 


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