15 Days of Weight Loss Vegetarian Diet

One way to lose weight again and putting our body on the tracks derailed health is to follow a vegetarian diet, even for 15 days. Catch the remorse for love handles grow every day or series of ailments that can not identify, for a detox diet, our bodies will thank us in the form of welfare and better shape:

As first food carrot juice is taken 30 minutes before breakfast. Take some vitamin supplements to take either vitamin E, herbs or minerals.


1 A bowl of fresh fruit (papaya, melon, watermelon, orange, guava, etc.) from a single fruit without mixing acidic fruits with sweet. Half cup of natural yogurt. Half a cup of cooked oatmeal with some milk sweetened with raisins, dates, figs, nuts or honey.

2 One or two apples or pears and a spoonful of pollen taken well salivated. (energy all morning).

3 Apple juice or herbal tea. Dextrinised Slice bread (toasted, hard and dehydrated) sprinkled with olive oil or avocado half or two tablespoons of fresh ricotta. Add tomato and / or sliced ​​onions.

4 A cup of soy milk, almond or oat cereal and granola or muesli. An apple or pear.

5 If there is no appetite in the morning can be alone with carrot juice and an infusion.

30 minutes before the meal, take an apple juice, green vegetables or vegetable broth.


1 A plate of salad of raw vegetables (greens, cabbage, beets and fresh grated carrots, grated garlic or onions, radishes, peppers, sprouts and olives). Dressing of olive oil and / or soy lecithin and / or yeast. More a small plate of steamed vegetables, grilled or baked (spinach, green beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, leeks, artichokes, peppers, zucchini, eggplant, etc), seasoned with olive oil mash with garlic sauce avocado, tomato sauce with garlic or onion, soy sauce or yeast.

2 A plate of salad of raw vegetables. Plus a baked potato or a cup of brown rice with sliced ​​almonds or a small bowl of whole wheat pasta with avocado half or 100 grams of fresh cheese. Add two tablespoons of sprouts and a ripe tomato.

3 croquettes vegetables, half a cup of natural yogurt over a cup of peas or rice with vegetables. A slice of cheese or grilled tofu.

4 A plate of salad of raw vegetables. A cup of vegetable soup or legumes (lentils, beans, beans). A cactus stalk seasoned with soy sauce.

5 A plate of raw vegetables salad with sliced ​​hard boiled egg. Pita bread stuffed with shredded lettuce with carrots or alfalfa sprouts or soy burger.


If there is a big appetite, you can repeat a menu of food and if there is little appetite:

1 A cup of soy milk or almond and fruit.
2 A slice of bread rusks spread with a little butter and peanut butter.
3 A plate of fruit and natural yogurt.
4 A couple of crackers with cheese.
5 A plate of vegetable soup or vegetable juice.

If you do not follow strict vegetarian diet, you can add a lot of fresh fish with lemon and raw garlic or onion, half a chicken breast or grilled some meat also very raw garlic at lunch or dinner. No pork or eat cold meats. Do not add vinegar or lemon meals in carbohydrate but protein meals (meat and fish).


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