Diet to lose weight 5 kilos in 3 Days

Slimming 5 kilos is the dream of many of us. There are many benefits to weight loss if done at a moderate pace through healthy eating and exercise. 

But today I'll tell you a very fast, almost miraculous diet if it were not that you should put some of you. 

The huge advantage is: it only lasts 3 days. 

Such diets are made when excess weight is picked and you need to download it quickly. Although we have to comply to the letter, since its success lies in the mix of foods. And you can easily do because it only lasts 3 days and is very important to respect the food intake (Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner) as I'm going to be showing. 

slimming-5-kilos have wanted to wear it this easy and have prepared a small outline how diet so you can always keep in mind works. The info you have script below you will see how the diet is to lose weight 5 kilos, so that you can keep in a comfortable way. I suggest you print it and paste in the fridge, you will find it much more comfortable 

Weight Loss Diet 5 kilos, every day 

first Day 

Breakfast: black tea or coffee, 1/2 orange, 1 slice of toast with a thin layer of cheese. 
Lunch: 1/2 can of tuna in brine, 1 toast bread, black coffee or tea. 
Dinner: 100 grams of lean meat, 1 cup green beans, 1 cup carrots, 1 apple, 1 cup vanilla ice cream dessert. 


This is not an ice cream actually done with 4 egg whites to stiff peaks and vanilla sprinkle. It also pours sweetener. What you put in the freezer before use, and keeps the texture, flavor and appearance of vanilla ice cream. The idea is to consume 1 cup or half cup of protein depending on the day. 


In these 3 photos you can see how to make vanilla ice cream with egg whites. 

Just so you know: The four egg whites are only 54 calories, 0 grams fat, 166 mg sodium, 163 potassium, magnesium 11 mg, 7 mg of calcium, 0.1 of iron and vitamin A, C, D, and B6.Best: 11 grams of protein !!! 

An adult man needs 75 kilos: 62 g protein per day, a 65 kg needs 53 grams of protein a day. 

second day 

Breakfast: 1 egg, 1 slice of toast, 1/2 banana, black coffee or tea. 
Lunch: 1 cup cottage cheese and 6 crackers. 
Dinner: two sausages, 1 cup broccoli, 1/2 cup of carrots, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream dessert. 

third Day 

Breakfast: an apple, 30 grams of cheddar cheese five crackers, black tea or coffee. 
Lunch: a boiled egg, a slice of whole grain toast. 
Dinner: 1 can of tuna in brine, 1 cup carrots, 1 cup cauliflower, 1 cup melon, and half cup of vanilla ice cream dessert. 
You can swap dinner for lunch, as it is more substantial. 

Good luck with the diet. Leave me your comments on how it go with it.


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