7 Reasons to Avoid a High Fat Consumption

7 Reasons to Avoid a High Fat Consumption

Although there are major differences in the various types of fats, you should keep your fat intake scontrolado eat less fat and you should not abuse it. 

I'll tell you 7 reasons why you have to avoid consuming high fat diet effectively and to maintain long-term health status of your weight in perfect condition. 

High fat intake # 1. Fat is more calorie-dense than any other source of calories 
Each gram of fat contains 9 calories, whereas each gram of carbohydrate or protein contains only 4 calories. 

Because each gram of fat has more than twice the density of calories, eating high fat content makes it easy to exceed the limit of calories you should consume daily to prevent weight gain. 

Reduce fat intake helps keep calories under control, and this makes it easier for you to lose weight. 

# 2. Fats have the lowest thermic effect of all foods 
The thermal effect is the amount of energy required to digest and use food. Proteins have the highest thermic effect with almost 30%. Fats have the lowest thermic effect, have only 3%. 

When you eat foods rich in lean protein, you will burn up to 30% of calories just to digest and absorb food. 

When you eat fatty foods, however only 3% will burn calories during digestion and absorption of food. 

# 3. Processed fats and trans fatty acids cause serious health problems 
Processed fats, refined oils and trans fats, they can be very harmful to your health. 

These varieties of bad fats cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other problems. 

# 4. A high-fat diet does not leave enough space for proteins or carbohydrates 
Eating large amounts of fat will not make you do not eat enough protein or carbohydrates. Any diet where you eat a macronutrient is just another move to others. 

If your diet is composed of a further food group, the imbalance does not consume more than the other. 

No. 5. Fat is stored as fat in an easier way 
High in grasaTécnicamente speaking, fat is stored as fat in the body more quickly. Eating too much protein and carbohydrates causes stores which do not use as fat, but the conversion of fats in the body when you consume too much fat is biochemically very easy. 

Proteins have to go through complex metabolic process to become fat. 

Also fat is also the last burning fuel for energy. When available carbohydrates, they are burned first, and when there is a surplus calories, fat is stored first. 

# 6. Fat is not an efficient fuel source for muscle high intensity exercise 
Muscle glycogen is the preferred of your body to fuel high intensity training. If you are eating too much fat instead of complex carbohydrates, your glycogen levels are depleted after a few minutes. 

To perform better in the exercise should consume carbohydrates 1 hour before. If you eat high fat meals before training, you will get only exhaust yourself and not end your training the right way. 

This entails that every day not train well and do not burn enough calories to lose weight the right way and set you set out. 

# 7. A high fat diet is not optimal for muscle growth 
Some people claim that fat is anabolic, muscle and helps create more fat burning. This is true, but to a certain limit. It's good to eat fat to lose weight because the fat thins to some extent, helps you combat overweight if you eat a little every day. 

Fat-free diets suppress testosterone, an anabolic hormone. However, you should not eat large amounts of fat so that your hormone levels are optimal, eat more and more fat will not give you more benefits. 

In fact, if your fat intake becomes so high that pushes you can not get to become anabolic. 

I'll tell why, carbohydrates help facilitate the delivery of amino acids into muscle cells and carbohydrates consumed with the protein can improve the recovery and protein synthesis. 

The fat has little effect on insulin, so when you eat high-fat, eat fewer carbohydrates, insulin is unable to play its positive role anabolic. 

That's why I also recommend eating some carbs the end of your workout, even if you are on a diet to lose weight low carbohydrates.


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