Fasting and Weight Loss

Fasting and Weight Loss

lots of people it is very hard not to eat for full day. In order to get most of the benefits of fasting without its side effects such as general weakness, low energy, slow brain functioning, you can try juice fasting.Fasting and Weight Loss
Fasting helps to detox the body, to improve the metabolism & kick start the weight loss method. The best way to fast is to drink water only for full day. Make sure you drink only pure, filtered water.Fasting and Weight Loss

Experiment with different vegetables to find the taste that you like. You don't must mix different vegetables: you can also juice vegetable on its. Some vegetables like beats have strong detox effects & are better to be mixed with other vegetables, carrots, for example.Fasting and Weight Loss

Unlike crash diets (otherwise known as fad diets), intermittent fasting doesn't need you to go without food for days on finish. It takes advantage of that window of opportunity that comes roughly 24 hours after your last meal to help burn those calories, not to mention the money you'll save on food or the various health benefits that go along with it like lower blood pressure &, most important of all, effective weight loss.
Fasting and Weight Loss
-Carrots with spinach; carrots - beats - parsley; 
-carrots with ginger; carrots - beats with one tablespoon of lemon juice on one glass of juice; 
-celery - parsley - spinach;
-fennel - ginger - celery
-celery; celery - carrots; asparagus - carrots;  
-beat greens - parsley - spinach (or celery); 
Fasting and Weight Loss


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