How to lose weight after 40

How to lose weight after 40

In life it is never too late to change our lifestyle for a healthier one. No matter what age we do, eat healthy and have a routine motion will have very positive effects on how we feel and see. Here I give you a few tips to get fit after 40:

1. They must be convinced that it is possible: One of the biggest limitations we have as the years go is thinking that no longer make much sense to try or not we will be able to achieve, the reality is YES CAN and worth much it. Making changes in our diet and start keeping a routine of constant movement after 40 you will have incredible results in how we look and how we feel. It is proven that doing so increases life expectancy by almost 5 years and lowers risk of heart disease by 15%

2. Please find suitable exercises options: It is very important to always choose options that are pleasing movement and with which we can make a commitment. We always start with 35 minutes 3 times a week and work up the intensity gradually. Today there are hundreds of fun routines with which we can burn many calories as dance classes (500 calories per hour), cycling (300 calories per hour), play with your kids (200 calories per hour).....
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