Why lifting weights will make you lose more aerobic?

Why lifting weights will make you lose more aerobic? 

Today I want to give a somewhat lengthy explanation of why I think the weights are much better than aerobic exercise for weight loss. 

Every time I say this thing in any setting where you can relate to, people look at me weird gesture and think that I have no idea what I'm talking about, but experience tells me that this year I have come to lose too much weight and that almost no aerobic. 

The secret or trick is that we are used to estimate the calories you can burn with one another in a given time period, but do not think about the impact that sport can have on our bodies in the hours, even days, to can elapse after. 

I'll try to be as clear as possible so that everyone understands this statement I do. If you have time, I recommend you read it slowly to assimilate the concepts well and thus may change the way you think. 

Analyzing the typical aerobic exercise 

aerobicoAntes anything, let's imagine a case of a person who is going to do aerobic exercise. 
Suppose that person leaves an hour run. At that time suppose that burns 500 calories. What happens next? 

That person comes home, takes a shower, eat something, sitting on the couch ... and meanwhile your body continues to burn calories at about the same rate as when I was running as it is "altered" and your metabolism is to stop. Obviously, this decreases calorie burn herself to a "normal" pace, but until this happens can spend a few hours. We can say that every hour that passes, the metabolism becomes more slow, but what is there to stay with the idea that the body continues to burn fat even having finished the exercise, making the total calories consumed is significantly higher than the 500 that we had previously said. 

In the case of fitness exercises 

In the case of anaerobic exercise, such as dumbbells, this effect of burning extra calories extends much further in time, but also the effect is twofold. I'll explain better. 

Let's assume that person another day 1 hour ago dumbbells. As you know, if you go to the gym to fitness and are 1 hour, actually much of the time you're resting, as you can not be doing repetitions without stopping. 

That person during that hour burns 200 calories, far less than what you burn when it's gone for a run. However, in the case of aerobic exercise, accelerate metabolism for a few hours, but in this case, the metabolism speeds up for days. 

anaerobicopesasEs likely that a person who train with weights on a Monday, have your fast until the next day to go to train (a Wednesday for example) metabolism. Imagine Bring out the situation and accounts. Your body will be burning more calories per hour that passes, and we're talking 48 hours. Do you understand why I say that using weights help you lose weight more than aerobic exercise? 

Why this effect occurs? 

If you jog is clear that you use the muscles in your legs a lot, but it is not an exercise that is intended to muscle development. 

When you do weight training, your body goes into a kind of shock, as it is an exercise that is intended to put the muscle development and limit your muscles in a very short period of time. Thus, during the hours (or days) following, your body will use all the food you ingest and will put a lot of effort to regenerate all the tissue that has "groove", and this will have to work hard, and that means that energy use (which is the same as saying that "burn calories") to do that job. It is a much more costly and exhausting than regenerate the leg muscle of a person who has gone jogging work. 

Why you say that the effect is doubled? 

This whole procedure must be added that another benefit, although you will not notice the short term, yes you will do long. 

As the months pass and all those repeated regeneration cycles, grow muscularly speaking, and all that new fabric (which is "live"), you need energy, so you burn more calories naturally without you having to do anything else. 

By talking to numbers if needed before 2000 calories a day to keep you on your weight, you may need after a year 2500 (these numbers are made ​​up, but I just wanted to give an example to understand it better). 

Does this mean you do not need to do aerobic? 

Well, the correct answer would be between yes and no. From my point of view, is it 100% necessary aerobic weight loss? No. Would I recommend you do aerobic exercise? Undoubtedly yes. 

If you do cardio, try doing it after weights. What I wanted to explain in this article is that we lose the fear of the weight room, it is the best way we can lose all the fat is left over and that's hurting us. 

With aerobic exercise will work the muscles, heart, blood flow, etc.. It is essential to keep in shape and feel good. Over the months, we notice that we lasted much longer walk without drowning, and in turn to improve our resistance to it will improve the ability to make weight, creating a vicious cycle that feeds on itself and whose purpose is clear: Lose the weight our surplus with a healthy and active lifestyle, without starving and acquiring some hobbies (sport) that make it a life with more quality and durable. 

Are you still hesitating to sign the gym? I think that's what you should do right now ‎‏
Why lifting weights will make you lose more aerobic? 


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