Diet for Each Blood Type: Do you know what are you?

Diet for Each Blood Type: Do you know what are you?

Blood type is not something I often ponder. Least in that, possibly, there is a diet for each type of blood. We believe as magically formed beings and were not so concerned the composition of our body. A brief review of this, would not bad.

It was not until the twentieth century that the Australian doctor, Karl Landsteiter discovered blood types, which earned him the Nobel Prize in 1930. Historically, this finding has little time, so many areas are still unknown as to this issue for example, no one knows for sure why there are different blood types. A naturopath Peter D'Adamo hypothesis, which states that this is a result of human evolution. Furthermore, he proposes that there is a diet for each blood type, because it has a sort of ancestral memory.

Type O

It is the oldest and most widespread; 47.7% of the population belongs to this group. It argues that the power of these civilizations was based on hunting, so people with this blood processed thoroughly meat proteins. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, seafood. Avoid dairy products, soft drinks, coffee, foods with wheat and limit foods that have corn and cereals.

type A

It was the second to appear and was conceived in the early agricultural societies, so their diet based on vegetables and grains. A semi-vegetarian diet is recommended. Eat in small amounts, white meat; plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, legumes and nuts. Avoid dairy products, soy products much better; convenience foods; alcohol and acidic beverages.

type B

It was the next to appear and nomadic civilizations comes from. A more varied and balanced diet is recommended; has more permissions for their adaptability as they were nomadic. Consuming milk (the only group allowed), fish, fruits, green vegetables, meat and, as, fatty foods and sugar. Avoid pork, seeds and nuts.

Type AB

This group is the strangest, is estimated to be present in just over 4% of the world population. They assume, arose from a cross between Caucasians (A) and Mongolian (B). A mixed and moderate diet is recommended. Eating fish, seafood, dairy, tofu, vegetables and fruits.
Avoid red meat, pasta, beans, nuts, products made of wheat flour, pickles and pepper.

While there are no conclusive studies that prove this theory, apparently, there is a growing acceptance in the scientific community and start given more attention. It has also been well received in the town. So, you know, the diet for each blood type is different. You can change your diet. Verify or disprove this hypothesis. You what blood type are you?

Please consult a specialist before taking any decision.


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