How to reduce belly

How to reduce belly in 3 weeks

Believe it or not, you may have a small waist reduce stomach in 3 weeks is possible. Achieve and maintain a desired waist requires a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Focusing solely on the waist is not going to downsize, this is a type mistake, do much work located in the belly and to do a comprehensive job to lose belly. Also, reduce belly fat in 3 weeks we will further improvements and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Increase caloric expenditure through exercise and decrease caloric intake of food between 500-1000 calories a day. There are 3,500 calories in a kilo of fat, so to lose 1-2 kilos in a period of seven days is to lose 4-6 kilos in three weeks. Very important not to lose weight very quickly, it is bad for health.

Establish healthy eating habits that are pleasing to you, it is very important that you can keep these habits after getting the goal for this reason you should look for activities that do not involve much effort. Not much to do sport after three weeks can not / want to do. Be consistent in sport.

Avoid fats, sugar and processed foods. Read food labels to compare the nutritional information. Always choose low-calorie and low fat products because they are rich in nutrients. Eat fruits and vegetables for vitamins, minerals and fiber. Choose complex carbohydrates rather than simple carbohydrates. Foods such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and brown rice, do not help the production of insulin in your body, such as those containing simple carbohydrates. Eating unsaturated fats like olive oil and canola oil instead of saturated fats that raise cholesterol.

Perform 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise every day for at least three days a week. Incorporating high intensity intervals on cardiovascular exercise, because it burns more calories than the same exercise with low intensity. Running for three minutes and accelerate the speed for one minute. Change the current duration of your cardio workout.

Perform a combination of exercises for the stomach for three nonconsecutive days a week. These exercises tone the muscles underneath the fat, you have to do crunches. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Bring your hands to the head. Inhale and lift your upper body until your shoulders off the floor. Exhale and lower your body toward the floor. You must do this exercise whenever you can, watching TV on the couch, before going to sleep. If you do 15 reps 3 or 4 times daily watch your belly down to 2 or 3 weeks.

Hold the contraction in the stomach while breathing normally. Release tension. Do three sets of this exercise. Keep tension 20 seconds of the first week, 40 seconds, the third week and 60 seconds of the third week.

To manage stress in your life. High stress levels increase the production of cortisol in your body. Cortisol is a stress hormone related to food cravings, obesity and weight gain, especially in the abdomen. Practicing meditation to stay calm and get at least seven hours of sleep.

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Water promotes and regulates metabolism digestive system. It also helps prevent water retention, bloating and sodium from your body.

Exercise for 45 minutes three days a week. Build and maintain through exercises, muscle tissue throughout your body to burn fat, including belly fat. Train your arms, legs, back, chest, shoulders and stomach.

One way to reduce tummy is to incorporate exercise into our daily life, for example when we play with our children, go shopping on foot,

One way to reduce tummy is to incorporate exercise into our daily life, for example when we play with our children, go shopping walk, climb stairs of all buildings, burn, descend belly and we will not realize.

In recent years they have left some drugstore products that work quite well, as somatoline products can help burn belly fat faster. Somatoline only does not work but if you do everything you have said in this article can boost fat burning in that area. To buy Somatoline you can do on this website.


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