Did you know that overweight and Back Pain are closely related?

back pain management
Did you know that overweight and Back Pain are closely related?

Back pain is often associated with being overweight, but many people are not aware of it.

Back pain and obesity have not been studied very thoroughly, although it is known that overweight people often have not only increased risk of back pain but also pain in the joints and increased muscle tension that who are not obese.

Symptoms of obese people

In addition to back pain, the symptoms displayed by people who are obese, or severely overweight, include fatigue and difficulty breathing and shortness of breath during short periods of exercise.

Often fatigue and shortness of breath cause people to avoid physical activity and exercise, which worsens and indirectly affects back pain.

Because overweight affects back pain . read more link at the bottom
Did you know that overweight and Back Pain are closely related?

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