Reducing belly fat

How to reduce belly in 3 weeks

Believe it or not, you may have a small waist reduce stomach in 3 weeks is possible. Achieve and maintain a desired waist requires a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Focusing solely on the waist is not going to downsize, this is a type mistake, do much work located in the belly and to do a comprehensive job to lose belly. Also, reduce belly fat in 3 weeks we will further improvements and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Increase caloric expenditure through exercise and decrease caloric intake of food between 500-1000 calories a day. There are 3,500 calories in a kilo of fat, so to lose 1-2 kilos in a period of seven days is to lose 4-6 kilos in three weeks. Very important not to lose weight very quickly, it is bad for health.

Establish healthy eating habits that are pleasing to you, it is very important that you can keep these habits after getting the goal for this reason you should look for activities that do not involve much effort. Not much to do sport after three weeks can not / want to do. Be consistent in more link at the bottom
reducing belly fat
How to reduce belly in 3 weeks


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