paleo diet

paleo diet 

In today's world where obesity is one of the most common diseases, while there is the cult of thinness and good looks, people begin to look for a variety of diet and ways to make it look and feel better.

Nowadays more and more popular is the paleo diet, otherwise known as the caveman diet or stone age diet. Uniqueness paleo diet mainly consists in the fact that man is genetically adapted to it.
Diet was developed by a professor at Colorado State University, the world-renowned in the field of diet our ancestors, Dr. Lorena Cordain'a. In his view, health problems are the result of what we eat today and how we are trying to lose weight, using a seemingly healthy diet. The effectiveness of paleo diet emphasizes the argument that our ancestors paleo nutrition cal cause that they were ignorant of the problems, such as obesity or heart disease, which are prevalent nowadays.

paleo diet
Our ancestors, in contrast to us, not cultivated the role, did not keep the animals and above all not processed food, which resulted in their diet was much more beneficial to health. Paleo diet is to limit the intake of fats, which does not mean that it is a fat-free diet, but does not allow our body called. "Bad fat" and only provides good fats, contained for example. In fish. Diet also limits the amount of carbohydrates, and contains a lot of low-fat protein that helps to maintain a good balance.

The main objective of the paleo diet is the elimination of our meals achievements agricultural civilization mainly legumes, cereals, dairy products, potatoes and salt and pepper. It is recommended that while the inclusion of the daily diet of lean meat, fresh fruits and vegetables as well as seafood.

It is worth remembering that the paleo diet is a way of life rather than ad hoc slimming diet. In this connection should be incorporated into our daily plan some traffic, especially in the open air this example. Running or walking. Supporters of paleo diets emphasize that just as our ancestors did and unnecessary were gyms and special fitness exercises. Paleo diet originated in the United States, all the while gaining new followers. Appreciated her not only those weight loss, but also athletes, nutritionists and doctors. Paleo diet shows that eating the products to which we are genetically prepared, we can avoid many diseases and gain good health and appearance.
paleo diet 


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